Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

LottoDay Review

LottoDay Lottery Service Reviewlottoday

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Looking to try your luck at winning the lottery but aren’t sure where to start? LottoDay is the perfect starting point. LottoDay allows anyone from around the world to participate in several highly lucrative lottery drawings – all from the comfort of your own home.

LottoDay has been a verified business for several years and is owned by Phoenix Online Holdings LTD., which is a registered company located in the British Virgin Islands.

Let’s take a look at what it takes to play and win using LottoDay..

How LottoDay Works

LottoDay operates like most other online lottery websites, wherein a LottoDay agent purchases lottery tickets on behalf of the customer. After the lottery’s drawing, any winnings are credited to your LottoDay account.

LottoDay has access to a wide collection of lottery games, with the most popular being: US Powerball and Mega Millions, Euro Jackpot and Euro Millions. In addition to this, LottoDay also has access to games not offered by most other websites, including: OZ Lotto, SuperLoto, MegaSena, Irish Lotto, NY Lottery, UK Thunderball, Florida Lottery, 649 Lotto and more.

Getting started is simple. After registering, click on ‘Play Online’ and then ‘View All’, where you can easily pick and choose from over 20 different lottery games around the world, and then pick your lucky numbers. One of LottoDay’s local agents will purchase the lottery ticket, scan and send in a copy.

The minimum purchase amount is $13, which in most cases means you will need to purchase more than one ticket. Luckily, LottoDay gives discounts on multiple ticket purchases which range from 5% – 20%.


LottoDay users get access to the Syndicate gameplay feature for one of the most lucrative lotteries on the planet: USA Mega Millions. Syndicate is basically a way for multiple people to participate in a single lottery drawing by buying quantities of shares.

The more players and the bigger the participation from the group, the more number combinations that are used, and thus, the better the odds of winning. Any and all prize winnings are shared equally among the group’s members. This is a great way to improve your odds of winning if you’re not confident in your number selection.

Pros and Cons


  • Ticket purchases are scanned and verified
  • Offers over 20 different lotto-games from multiple countries
  • Zero commissions! Most lottery website charge fees or commissions for each winning ticket, but this isn’t the case with LottoDay
  • Serious about security, LottoDay uses advanced 128-bit SSL technology to ensure players and transactions are completely safe
  • Decent prices
  • 100% cash-back on first-time purchases


  • The Syndicate game-play feature is limited to a single lottery (USA Mega Millions)
  • Prize earnings of over $500,000 must be collected in-person