Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

The UK49’s is not a new lottery game. First set up in 1996, the UK49’s is looked at by many as an unknown lottery on the periphery of the big jackpot draws. The bigger, more well known lottery games out there are, almost to a man, ran by state-backed organizations that have invest thousands of millions in marketing, set up costs and payouts. Here we will take a closer look at the lottery landscape to try and find the answers to two questions.

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  • Is the UK49’s Popular
  • If not, why not?

Playing UK49’s

Many people are not aware of the intricacies of this draw so here is a rapid-fire breakdown of everything you need to know about the UK49’s.

Briefly, there are 2 major features of the UK49’s draw that make a distinctive and unique lottery. Firstly, you can play as many numbers as you feel comfortable playing from just 1 ball to selecting all 5 – However many you select is how many you are betting will show up in the drawing. Picking 3 balls to play and matching only 2 is not the same as picking 2 balls and matching them both. In our experience this has been the hardest to explain to the customer. Without the backing of Government operated lotteries, it can be hard to get your message out there!

The second major feature of the UK49’s is the sheer volume of draws. To put it in a way that highlights this phenomenon think about it like this: It would take the US Powerball almost 8 months to have as many draws as the UK49’s has in 1 month!

What People Like About UK49’s

What we like about the UK49’s is exactly the two things mentioned above! We like that you, the player, get to decide exactly how you are going to play the upcoming lotto draw. With 2 draws a day there is always a drawing coming up, don’t worry if you missed the previous one, there is always another coming around the corner!

It’s not just me that appreciates these features of the UK49’s – the players that are aware of the UK49’s and play it say the same thing. It is almost a cross between the lottery and bingo, launched in the mid 1990’s this draw is tailor made for the millennial lotto player. UK49’s is basically an on-demand lottery draw both in the frequency of the draws and how the customer would like to play when the draw does come around.

So, if these features are great and everyone who plays UK49’s seems to agree, why isn’t it as well known and popular as it should be?

What People Don’t Like About UK49’s

This is a hard question to answer as the more I looked into it I found that it’s not that people don’t like the UK49’s, they are simply not aware of its existence. Within the domestic landscape, the UK49’s is shut off and hidden inside bookies, very little advertising and with it, very little market penetration, or is it?

You see, the UK49’s is like the underground lottery. The best kept secret for lotto players and when we look into who does run and operate the UK49’s we think we can understand why the focus has not been on pushing this lottery game.

Owned via a corporation whose shareholders include Ladbrokes, Coral and William Hill, UK49’s is in safe hands but maybe this is the reason why the lotto is not better known around the world. If UK49’s was owned by a single company whose sole job was to promote and sell tickets, I think we would see a much different approach. The reality is that these three companies have so much revenue and let’s face it, their focus is not going to be the lottery. These three are three of the biggest online casino operators in the world today. (Ladbrokes and Coral have recently merged into Ladbrokes-Coral – emphasizing my point even more).

The Future

The future of the UK49’s is bright, we have no doubt about that. People who currently play the draw will continue to do so and the number of new players is slowly rising. The online lottery breakout of recent years has helped UK49’s but not as much as its lottery competitors, however, we see this changing big-style in the next 2-3 years.

Online lottery burst onto the scene a few years ago but will continue to break out in the smaller, less known draws over the next few years. Here, UK49’s is perfectly positioned and set up for an uptake of eyes, players, revenue and prizes. Nothing is going to stop me playing the UK49’s!

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